Friday, November 21, 2003

Popsicle-Stick Bridge Competition!

~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~

I skipped chem class again. I'm hoping I have time to study Chemistry before finals. Scary. Maybe I should start this weekend since I have a chem lab exam on Monday. I'm on the verge of falling behind in my assignments. Maybe it's just the heavy workload or my unintelligent mind. Oh well.

Today we competed with other first year teams in the bridge building competition. It was such an interesting event! Never in my life have I witnessed and participated in an event like this. There were about 30 of us in the lecture hall, each team holding on to their precious, spectacular bulit bridge. The machine to test the strength of the bridge was placed directly in front of the three judges who were sitting in a row. It was an interesting machine. At the center of the machine was an arm that will push the loading on to the top center of the bridge. After pressing on to the bridge and retrieving the maximum force exerted on the bridge, the arm is slowly moved away from the bridge, leaving the loading to sit on top of the bridge and see if the bridge is still intact, not broken. Some bridges were reallly strong...but those are really simple bridges without any fantastic designs. The highest record was 1400 Newtons on a bridge. My team managed a 327 Newtons. We were surprised as we thought it wouldn't get past a hundred =p. All in all, it was an eye-opening experience. Though we didn't win, we were placed 13th in the competition, which I thought was pretty excellent for us greenies. I took a lot of videos of bridges that were being tested. I will post the pictures some other day as there's some technical problems with this html thing. Ciao!

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



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