Saturday, December 11, 2004

We need to talk

"Do you have time? We need to talk..."

My next-door-neighbour knocked on my door this afternoon. I had just finished cooking Shin Ramyun when she asked if we could talk for a bit. I shall refer to her as Abu. Don't ask me why. That name just popped up.

I invited Abu into my room so that we could talk in person. Without much hesitation, Abu said we have a very big misunderstanding between us. I said I agree, with a slight chuckle. Then, we proceeded to discuss the many problems we were experiencing. In one way, I was glad that we talked it out. At least, I don't have to constantly suppress the urge to stick a photo of someone's face on her. I feel much at ease now that the main problem has been resolved. I said the main problem because she is not a very flexible person. Quite simply, it will still be difficult living with Abu.

Anyway, during the discussion, I found her reasons to be quite amusing. Amusing as in weird. Weird as in ... huh? I did not realize that the whole problem started because of that one night. She thought I was embarrassing her. I was pretty shocked by that expression of hers. I mean, hey, she was the one who asked me to close my room door whenever I have friends over or even just talking on the phone. I respected her request because I understood that it was too loud for her if I left my door open. Our rooms are so close to each other. One late night (I guess it was about 2 a.m.), she received a phone call. She rushed inside her room and answered the call (apparently it was her dad calling from Korea). I was sleeping and she was talking on the phone with her room door open. The thing was, it did not matter whether she was talking at her lowest possible voice because it was still loud at that hour of the night, and the fact that she did not close her room door made her conversation even louder.

Picture this - you just woke up because of some noise and you need to get back to sleep. You go to her room, knock on her door and say "Abu...shhh..." and close the door for her. You don't slam the door. You close it. You are not asking her to stop talking on the phone. Then, you retreat back to your room under the covers and try to sleep.


Is there anything wrong with this whole scene? Will anyone feel embarrassed if someone does that to you? I do not see why it should be embarrassing let alone build enough anger to ignore me for the next two months. She got angry because I did that. I do not know if she meant that it was rude or anything...but was it? Personally, I feel that she is very inflexible with things. Or maybe she expected too much - she can tell people not to do this to suit her likings but others cannot do the same to her. Well, miss ABU ... face it ... you're not living in your own world.

One word - problematic. Abu has a serious personality problem. No, it seems more like a disorder. Oh well, it was not that bad after all. It is not like we are going to be close friends after this. After all, she has shown her true colours. I do not think it is safe for me to get close to a girl like this. I will maintain a safe distance from her.

Thermodynamics tomorrow at 9 a.m.. I am pretty sure I have read everything. I think I will confuse myself further if I stress on reading some more. I sure need a good rest.

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



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