Sunday, November 07, 2004

School blues

I have been sitting here for the past 4 hours doing my math assignment. That's right. This is me, the nerd doing math on a Saturday afternoon. I should be out there welcoming winter. Oh, I need to get tomatoes. My first attempt to cook soup was a success! Well, it was a really simple process. Just dump chicken stock, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and carrots into the soup (I call it ABC soup - "anyhow" soup).

Yy insists that I cook it again. I should get out of this room and breathe some fresh winter air. Then, I can resume my pathetic studying life again in my own room.

There were numerous accounts where I agreed that people here are shallow snobs. No, I am not talking about that white girl who glares at me because I am asian. I am talking about the professors. The respected and distinguished models in the school. Well, not all. But some are really good professors. And some, like those in the English department, are just plain outrageous.

My English teacher has a really cold heart. Her temper is always there. Every minute, every class. Her sacarsm stabs like a knife. She is just out to make you cry. She discriminates. She is bias. It is a self-satisfying hobby of hers. I cannot comprehend a person like that who dares call herself a teacher. My friend says, "I feel like strangling her." On Rate My Professor, the people felt a strong desire to cut her ponytail off.

Still, we cannot do much. I will wait for the day where we evaluate her performance in class. I will clip a typed complain letter together with the evaluation sheets. I will bombard her in front of the dean or whoever that will be reading the results.

Another annoying species is the lady who speaks too much but knows only so little. I am on the edge of failing this course because of her. I know I can work at it myself by doing my own revisions, but believe me, it does not help at all. This particular course needs a teacher who can TEACH. She (the crust lady) does not know how to teach. Ask her a question, and she seems confident in answering it, but in actual fact, she is only bullshitting. She just goes round the bush. At the end of the day, she never answers one question correctly. She avoids it by saying some other information to lead you away from the problem that you had, and tell you some other crap.

She confuses us. In the labs, the problem-solving questions are difficult and require a lot of understanding. I NEVER did ask her ANY questions. Yeap. I do not want to talk to her. She is just silly. I always seek help from an intelligent teaching assistant in the lab. That is why I never had to erase everything and redo the problem in the labs. There were lots of times where she gave the wrong concept, answers, and information to those who asked her for help. Even the teaching assistant shook his head. She is acting smart. But she is just dumb. And, can you believe it she is getting a career award?? Also, what kind of professor comes into class and boasts about her awards, conferences, trips to god knows where and the like?

I am just totally disgusted.

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



  • Drift Away
  • What is the source of my unhappiness?
  • Midterm Week
  • Alone
  • All at once
  • Law and rules
  • Rude Bloggers
  • Winter is here!
  • The thing about smart people
  • Banned for PEACE!
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