Friday, June 18, 2004

Society is ill

Stupid blogger...I wrote so much and the thing shut down...:(

I just finished reading the China's Press section in the newspaper. It was a small section which talked about a panda getting pregnant after watching sex videos...weird!

Hua Mei (why do I get the feeling that I have heard this name on other pandas in China before?), is an American-born panda who was brought back to her ancestral homeland a few days ago. Veterinarians were doubtful if she knew any knowledge on sex as she was living in captivity all her life. Therefore, they decided to "educate" her by showing her "porn videos" (nyek nyek nyek!) with hope that she will learn how to mate. And whaddya know...she became pregnant after that, and as quoted by the newspaper, "...pregnant by natural means...." Oooookaayy....interesting news of the day :P

The newspaper has become an irritating source of news for me. I know it is not their fault. They have a job to do, being told what "right" news to feature and so on...I am just not bothered to read the main news anymore. I usually proceed to read Star Two section only. First, it was that severe maid abuse which hit the news big time - next thing you know, first five pages are filled with different cases of maid abuse. Now, the bloody snatch-thiefs are in the limelight. Just one death and the whole newspaper gets into a frenzy. A clerk who works for Nanyang Siang Pau, sustained heavy injuries after the snatch-thief incident but passed away soon after, leaving behind her mother-in-law, her husband and two young children. These bastards are deprived of human hearts. Just snatch the handbag and let the woman live! Don't they understand the cruelty of taking away someone's live? Of taking away a mother from her children, a wife from her husband? In another incident of another page in the newspaper, an old man was caught for commiting this heinous crime as well. CAN YOU BELIEVE a 57-year-old man, who has six children, has been snatching women's handbags for four decades??? What the hell, my grandfather is 67 years old and he's still working a decent job as a mechanic. What is wrong with these people? Wow, grandpa, you can afford to ride a motorcycle - this means you still have your limbs and legs intact to your body, and you can bloody sure get a decent job in this society, for god's sake. These people are just lazy asses - I am very convinced you can find a job somewhere, it may not be a highly-paid job, but still, religion tells you not to STEAL AND KILL, grandpa...urgh, my fumes are reaching danger level as I write this. I suggest we take a "knocking-sense-hammer" and hit these people in the head with it to knock some right sense into these low-life people. I really hope these bad people get some sort of punishment later on, be it a personal or by the law. Such mentality is a disgrace to our civilization.

Yay! I just received admission into Chemical Engineering ^^ All my courses are registered and I am looking forward to start my second year in university. Now, I am just waiting for a letter of approval from the residence. Hopefully I can secure a place there, if not...ahhhhhh! HELP!

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



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