Saturday, May 29, 2004 Crowd mania ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~Probably today was not a good day for a movie at 1 Utama because the queue-up was so LONG - I don't know how long. Just imagine it as long as Rapunzel's hair. Out of sheer luck, we managed to "cut queue" with the help of my sister's so-called friend. Anyway, the main shout then was the frustrating long queue and the annoying juniors from my school. Today marked the beginning of the school holidays, and that probably best explained today's crowd. Every turn or glance I made, I was bound to see someone from my secondary school. Sadly, none of them were my classmates or seniors - they were all "the juniors", who never once fail to annoy me in one way or another. A lady came up to me and asked if I could help her buy tickets for the movie Shrek. I helped her, of course. Her two sons might have cried out so loud for not being able to watch the cartoon. So, with my average command of the Cantonese language, I asked her what she needed. She's a nice lady, but I could tell her sons were the pampered kind. We managed to catch the 4.30 pm show. The movie was funny, but I found it very predictable. The cat was soooooo cute! (Okay, here I go about cutie cutie stuff again. You were right sweetheart! There were lots of cute things in the movie! ^^) Oh, and the little puppy as well! Hehe, I liked how it covered its face when Shrek roared at it. The cat was just, really funny! Okay, okay hehe...I better control myself :p I will be watching Troy tomorrow with my family. I HOPE THERE WOULD NOT BE A MASSIVE CROWD. ^PLEASE^. I hate crowds. I like to walk around, do window shopping or real splurging with a moderate crowd. And I only shop with my mum or myself (or Chien of course, but I know he hates it since he likes to stay at home all the time :P). With a massive crowd, you get those girls staring and glaring at you like they want to put up a fight or something. They looked at me as though I stole their boyfriend or something - or I stole their make-up, jewellery, shoes, muahahhahaahahh! (Silly me)...Well, if there is something wrong with the way I dress - I don't give a bullshit about what you think because I am unique. So, you are three years younger than me and you are wearing high heels? Does that make you look any older than me? Why, I don't care because I am sweet sweet 18 and I am comfortable dressing my age, thank you :) Bluehhh (Don't mind me :P the crowd-mania just got to me and I am just babbling nonsensically). Glare at me again and I will STARE back at you AGAIN. HAHAHAHAHAAHHAA! *Ahem* We had a nice family dinner at home today. Mum decided to cook dinner because, well, like I said, today was not a good day to be out there. Then, we changed the water in the vase. Mind you, there are guppy fishes in the vase as well. They actually gave birth to babies! There were about 12 of them but as the days passed by, we only found four still surviving at the bottom of the vase. When we changed the water, there were six baby guppies (awww they're sooooo cute!!!) still swimming gleefully around. The rest of them were dead :( We should have took them out earlier to separate them from the bigger guppies. Here is a not-so-professional photo of the two vases - the smaller one containing the baby fishes and the bigger one containing the adult fishes. Also, I tried to take a close-up picture of the baby fishes but to no avail. If you can spot the baby fish in the picture, that proves that my sucky photography skills is not so sucky after all :p ![]() Spot me! I am a cute little fishyyyyyy swimmming happillyyy in my new home! ^^ ![]()
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