Sunday, May 23, 2004

Language confusion

~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~

I suffered 5 hours of a tiresome lecture today. It was not a total bore but I would say it was quite lame. Maybe I could not understand the jokes made by the instructor. Everyone was laughing except me. It took me quite a while to comprehend his manglish. NO offence or anything - all I am trying to say is his language was all mixed up. It was quite frustrating. Sigh. Now, I am sick - the flu bug decided to pay me a visit this time, at a time when I am vulnerable. Yes, I get sick easily when I am depressed. I feel a heavy cloud in my head now...urgh~~

After Mum and Dad picked me up from the driving school, we went to Mid Valley to have dinner. I was too hungry to decide where to eat. So, we went to the nearest restaurant suggested by my sister - SUSHI KING. Then, we visited the shop, "The World of Feng Shui". I have always wondered how effective feng shui is. To believe or not to believe - that is the question. I did not really believe it but as time passed by (probably some influence by my mum too), I started to realize there were true results in the end. Even the greatest shopping complex was built based on the advice of a famous Feng SHui master. And look at the bloody complex. It is earning big bucks like never before. Anyway, I stepped into the shop and noticed a whole bunch of different books stacked on my right. Horoscopes were not a trend. Neither were they something I took a 100% belief in. HOwever, I still tend to read them for fun. Curiosity kills sometimes, especially when it touches on your life, your health, your lovelife...(hehehe). I was reading my chinese horoscope and my sweetheart's horoscope. Well, we are not the best companion but close to the best ^^. The only thing that makes us incompatible is our elements. According to Feng Shui, there are five elements in the cirlce of life - Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal. They form a productive as well as a destructive cycle. It is a yin-yang relation. So, naturally or literally speaking, water destroys fire, metal destroys wood (it's like an axe chopping the wood) and...the list goes on. My sweetie is the metal monkey and I am, unfortunately a wooden Ox. Haha. So I am constantly being "destroyed" by him. There were actually a lot more to it but I was lazy to read it. THat puny book costs RM 20!! What a rip-off! I still believe that it all depends on each individual to make the relationship a happy one. Am I right, sweetheart? *hug hug*

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



  • I am that good friend
  • So much for the fame
  • Toasted!
  • When he loved me...
  • Good ol' mum :)
  • I'm home again!
  • The journey home
  • Cabin Fever
  • Buffalo Chickens?
  • Extension?
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