Thursday, June 09, 2005

What to do?

Obviously, I have not been blogging in my precious space because I have yet to do anything exciting. I hate to say this again and again and again... I am bored!

Every morning, I try to wake up on the wrong side of bed just to stir up some suspense for myself. I would either end up falling off the bed carelessly or let my body weight succumb to gravity and slide slowly, and lazily to the ground on purpose. It all depends on the, uh, type of position I am in at the edge of the bed.

The next thing I do, regardless of its infamous routined style, is brushing and washing my pimply face. I hate pimples. In my opinion, they should not exist at all on anyone's face. Would that not be fair? It is such a big annoyance when it scars the face, and it keeps growing back at the same spot. Grrrrrrrr. I hate pimples.

Well, most certainly, I would turn on the computer next. I would check my mails (if I have any). I would visit my blog and procrastinate on whether I should blog or not. I would visit a few other blogs. Maybe a chat or two on MSN. I will get bored eventually, and so I would turn to computer games instead. No I don't play DotA or whatever it is called. Nor do I play Ragnarok. I play old, outdated games such as Age of Mythology, Civilization 3, and Age of Empires 2. I play with cheats because I think it is stupid to spend quite an amount of $$ for the game only to follow the rules like a faithful dog. No offence, but this is because I am no expert at these games (unlike those pro gamers that visit the internet cafe as if it is their second home) and with the cheats I get to explore the game more thus I would feel it was worth paying for.

By noon, I would be rotting either on my bed, at the sofa or in the bathroom. I am happy when mum comes home in the evening because I get to help her to cook. At least, I am doing something. I love to cook as well. Too bad my kitchen doesn't have an oven. If it does, I would be baking all the way and stuffing my sister with my cakes and cookies muahahhaha!

ASTRO does not interest me these days. Their shows repeat a zillion times (I know they can't help it). They do not have interesting shows. We lost the ASTRO guide. I do spend quite a lot of time reading but hey, how long can reading keep you still? I will go swimming if it does not rain. Having said that, yesterday, there were a bunch of uncivilized teenagers who went into the pool with their jeans. And they think they are so cool puffing out cigarette smoke through their mouths. Idiots. Smoking their lives away at the age of sixteen. I decided to emigrate to the wading pool, which was not so clean, and that made my mood worse. Bunch of eggheads.

Grrr. I need to go shopping.

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



  • Melbourne 2005
  • Bad Charlotte
  • The Dogs of Babel
  • My Memory Box
  • My model idol
  • Stepping out of the dark
  • The Story
  • A broken heart
  • It's a blue, blue sky
  • We Malaysians are Selfish
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