Saturday, January 31, 2004 Amelia ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~I arrived at the Jubilee Auditorium early to have a look at the place before entering the theatre. It was simple yet it looked somewhat grand too. There were lots of people still queuing up to buy tickets and many others just helping themselves to drinks outside the theatre with friends and family members. Excitement rushed through me as the lady told me that I will be watching AMELIA in the main theatre. True enough, it was big and I felt really happy to be able to watch ballet again ever since I went to my friend's ballet performance back home in M'sia. The theatre wasn't full though. I got a really good seat which was at the aisle of the walkway and so no heads were blocking my view during the whole show. Some of them who were sitting at the back of me moved to the front to get a better view after waiting to see if there were seats at the front taken. This was a ballet performance that I've never seen before. It's a modern dance whereby the dancers project very complex and vigorous movements. It's not the kind where the dancers wear pink or yellow tutus (is that how you spell it?) and dance to nutcracker or swan lake. This dance is all about technique which involves a series of linear structures and positions. Very abstract...It took me a while to appreciate it. At the beginning of the dance, I was quite restless. But soon, it got more interesting and I was really hooked to it. I applaud their wonderful performance. Such movements that were required in this dance makes it harder for the dancers to perform. So, why AMELIA? Here's a deep explanation from the booklet I got at the theatre. With candour, Edouard Lock talks about his work AMELIA: "Its source is personal, anecdotal. Amelia relates to two people I knew more than twenty years ago who had an effect on me. At that time I was young and naive, not exactly in the thick of things-I was a young man on the outside looking in, and I met these two transvestites. They were in a constant state of theatricality, without being in a theatre. My memory of them has remained with me ever since- and it's one of the first that I've used in my work, although it's theatricalized. I often use the materials of everyday life in my works, and some of the movements I create are quite banal. It was this mixture of theatrical and non-theatrical that I experienced for the first time with these two transvestites. Meeting them, in fact, may have had a permanent effect on my work as whole. I always swore to myself that I would do something with those memories. Now I have." Yes. It was a performance depicting the complexity of the world of a transvestite. It was all about her thoughts, her image and her desires that showed the inner realms of a transvestite who is always constantly acting...without being in a theatre... It wasn't easy understanding the message that the dance was trying to convey but like the producer said, there's nothing to understand actually. Everyone attempts to understand (I did) and our initial reaction is to make sense of things. Well, it was a different experience for me. I'm glad I went to watch this performance. Somehow, it gave me a different view to some things...opened my eyes to everything that has changed...from classical ballet to modern ballet. Interesting and exciting, vigorous and powerful yet so full of mystery...
Thursday, January 29, 2004 Pool tournament success! And it's finally over! ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~Nervous to the core, I sat restlessly in computer class yesterday. I was going to leave at 4.00pm to set up the pool tournament but my friend said it wasn't necessary. Although I left at 4.15pm to the office to grab the necessary items to be brought over to the pool place, my friend delayed the time again and we got there a little late. So, that gave me really little time to set up everything because at 5pm most of the students were already waiting to register and make payments. I was totally stressed out as I had so many things to do besides the registration and payment. It was a silly moment for me I think. I said a few words before starting the tournament. That's when I wasn't even clear about what I was talking. Without the help of the volunteers, I would have made a fool out of myself. Maybe, I did yesterday...well but who cares right? It's my first time organizing such a big event like this and it's way more challenging for a person like me who doesn't know the actual pool rules or how things goes. It turned out to be pretty good after that. I calmed down, everything was quite settled. Some people left early after losing their rounds even though I convinced them to stay for the lucky draw. There were 16 teams altogether in this double knockout tournament and one of them was a team consisting of three girls. Mind you, they won the first round, got into the winners pool and made their way to 3rd place in the tournament! They were really funny and I would say, the noisest and loudest because they cheered everytime they made a succesful attempt at their shots. BAsically, they spiced up the mood because the guys were quite serious in their games. I hope everyone had a good time though. Seeing the smile on their faces when they receive their free pizzas and prizes just lightens my heart so much. I was trying really hard not to get anyone upset or frustrated and that included the volunteers as well. In a nutshell, the whole time I was worrying about EVERYTHING. One guy came up to me after the tournament and asked if there is going to be a second event like this and commented that lots of people will come as it was a great and fun time. Well, if we have the funds, why not? He also said that we can charged $5.00...but the reason we charged each participant $3.00 was to let them play as much as they want within 2 hours. Compared to paying for the regular price which is $5.00 an hour per table, $3.00 is a really good deal considering we were giving out free pizza and pop as well. In conclusion, it wouldn't have been a succesful tournament without the contribution from volunteers and ESS the First Year Liasons who came to help out. ALso, I would cracked my head in thinking of a good layout of the tournament if it wasn't for my dad who helped plan the tournament. Also, special thanks to everyone who contributed ideas as well. I really appreciate everyone's help and I hope everyone had a great time! Thanks, guys!
Tuesday, January 27, 2004 CNY dinner with MSSA ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~I'm going to be so busy this week that I will hardly see my own hands. LOL what am I talking about...This further proves my stress level which is increasing at a tremendous rate each passing hour. It's sad that my digital camera is broken. I would have taken lots of pictures at the dinner I went to on Saturday and send it to my friends and my family. SATURDAY January 24... I woke up early to finish up my homework. I had planned earlier to do as much as I could before attending the CNY dinner. Also, I went downtown to get some new clothes to wear for the occasion. I bought a nice red top and a nice pair of jeans from GAP (actually I bought 2 but I'm going to return one, I was a little off my mind that day...why the heck did I buy two pairs of jeans?). I volunteered to go earlier to the restaurant with the president of SEASA, Jit, and the vice president, Harry, to help out with whatever setting up they need to do. It was a pretty weird moment when talking to Jit. She didn't seem too interested in having a conversation with me but nevertheless as a form of courtesy asked how I was doing at school. It felt so much like CNY...the colour red that decorated the stage and the dinner tables were like those typical round, chinese tables. I helped to distribute the flyers of SEASA cultural night (which I won't be able to make it because it's on the 7th of May and I'm going home for my sister's birthday). Soon, the guests started showing up and there was a mild traffic at the entrance. Some of us girls, helped the organizers usher the guests to their tables. It was pretty confusing at first as we were not familiar with the location of the tables (they weren't numbered according to order) but it got bette after a few ushering rounds. The traffic built up really fast and the three of us who were ushering the guests were walking to and fro non-stop. The organizers appreciated our help very much and seeing us doing a great job, he offered to stand by and let us sit down at the table to get ready for the dinner. I met an uncle who is from Malaysia as well. He's from my hometown, Malacca, but he comes from Batu Berendam, a different part of the state. I didn't expect a lion dance performance that night. When I turned around to find a huge yellow lion standing right behind me, I quickly moved aside to let it pass through and get to the stage. It has been a long time since I've watched a lion dance performance. I was happy to witness this with my own eyes. Soon, the dinner started and there were a couple of performances. College students were dancing traditional chinese dance. There was a Peruvian dance as well and it was the most interesting performance as the dance was fast and entertaining. Some of us got near and stood behind some tables near the stage to watch them dance. They received a good response from the audience that some people requested a second performance from them. And that's when I got dragged out by one of the dancers to dance on the dancefloor with them. I felt quite embarassed but it was okay I guess...(urgh dancing in front of 300 people?). It was a fun night as well as a tiring and disappointing one. After the dinner, some of us went to bubble tea to hang out. I was feeling a little tired and upset over some events that happened that night. So, I just watched them play some board games and was forced to join them in the end after noticing my unsual behaviour. Okay, time for calculus class. Urghh..two meetings today...I'm so tired!
Thursday, January 22, 2004 Chinese New Year Eve ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~I woke up at 7.00am this morning just to call back home but I couldn't get through. The lines are busy back home as everyone is making calls and sending SMS's. This is quite a bad service. What if there is an emergency and someone needs to call for help only to find he can't get through any calls because of the massive traffic of messages? It's quite ridiculous. Anyway, I managed to talk to Dad for 4 minutes because he couldn't hear me and I called my uncle's house instead of his handphone. He said he'll call back but of course, he couldn't make calls either because it's too busy! Sad...but we managed to talk on msn =) Mostly everyonne is back home. Yeah...I guess I missed the times when I was little and always looked forward to this celebration. I was always looking forwart to meeting my cousins at my hometown and the best thing was staying up late to play cards with them! I remember my sister and I played this silly little card game with some of our really funny cousins and we laughed until our cheeks hurt! It was so hilarious! I really miss those times. Reading Dad's email brought tears to my eyes. It's just the feeling of homesick now I guess. A new year where I can't be with my family members is quite a pity but I have no choice. I'll have to bear with it for three more years. So, I'll be spending today, the eve of New Year, doing homework as usual T_T. Oh, right...I'll be spending the whole day tomorrow doing homework as well -_-' I have to finish up my work though as next week is a real busy week for me and I have a meeting to attend on Monday and a pool tournament to run the next day. Oh not to mention the fun part...I have a party to attend on Saturday and Sunday as well...phew! THis month seems like a pretty busy month for me! Well, it's not so bad...I'm still on track with my studies and all. At the same time, I'm learning new skills, attending meetings (I didn't know my position was quite an important one) and having fun too ^^ ! Oh wait...I have a ...math test on Friday T_T. Busy busy busy After signing documents at the bank, I walked around the City Centre to pass time before returning to campus for classes. Intuitively, I walked into HMV, which I didn't even know there was a HMV here in the first place. I searched for music CD's and voila...there it was...CHristina Aguilera's Stripped. I'm a real big fan of her songs. Even though people don't respect her as a person, I feel that those people should consider respecting her songs at least. I have never heard a voice so powerful other than Celine Dion's. She is no doubt a diva to me. Well, her appearance and dressing leaves a lot to be questioned but I guess she's just being bold and daring, sending out a message to everyone, "I don't care what you say or what you think. This is who I am. You don't like to look then just shut your eyes and get out of my way". That's the real attitude, girl. Oh well. Her songs are fantastic. I love em' ^^ Time to sit in another math class for another hour T_T Here's a Chinese quote translated to English (I got this from my daddy): "Health make things happen, Wealth make things work, Joy make things beautiful, may you have all three all the time... Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!"
Monday, January 19, 2004 Just want to be happy ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~I'm so under the weather. I have been coughing endlessly, especially when I'm trying to sleep. It just got worse when I lay down to sleep. Sigh. I spent hours day-dreaming. I lay down on the bed, looked out at the clear blue morning sky and watched the occasional small puffs of clouds that strolled by my window. It was, indeed a beautiful, sunny day. I wanted so much to go out and walk under the blue sky but my condition forced me to swallow back that temptation. My thoughts started to form but in a pretty disorganized way at first. Like a spiral in the wind, they came. But in time they slowed down, falling llightly and gently like feathers. One by one, I put the pieces together, like a jigsaw puzzle and solved it. The words just appeared, "I just want to be happy". I just want to be happy. I don't want to put myself down anymore. I want to appreciate all I have now and to realize that losing them will mean losing my happiness. I want to wake up every morning and tell myself that I am not useless or hopelessly deranged emotionally. I have to stop thinking so much. It drives me nuts. The amount of imagination or thoughts I load into the mind is simply huge. I shall say, it's overloaded. And so, there I was smiling on the bed. I snuggled back into under the sheets and slept for another hour or so (I was feeling lazy to get up =p). Peace~
Wednesday, January 14, 2004 [Engineering Week] ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~Engineering Week started yesterday. The opening ceremony was held at Windsor's Park with the PR Reps from each engineering club shouting their heads off on stage. Then, the all-time-favourite Tug-Of-War was played. Civil ENgineers grab the first spot, MEchanical ENgineers came in second and First Years came in third. At night, we were on a marathon, hunting for 100 nonsensical items. This was the craziest scavenger hunt I've ever seen. Items like 100 paper cranes, a box of thongs, a computer older than your PR Rep, picture of a club executive wearing a wig in a police car... THe craze ended at 9.15pm probably. I left early though, not wanting to linger around doing nothing for another hour or so before the judges make their decision on the winners. I had a miserable slice of pizza for dinner. Got back to my room, threw my bag and jacket on the chair and plonked onto the comfy bed. I would say, last night was one of the best sleep I've ever had since the past few months of restless nights. I'm still thinking if I should attend the Engineer's Ball. THe thing is none of my friends are going...so it'll be a such a pity if I didn't have a group of friends to go together. Imagine me sitting alone at the table with total strangers who won't even bother talking to you because they have their own cliques. Oh well. I'll just have to wait till the graduation ball. That would be a more meaningful and unforgettable event. I should book my flight tickets now. I'm hoping to find a direct flight back home. Usually only Singapore Airlines offers that kind of service. Cathay Pacific requires the passenger to transit at Hong Kong usually. I am not going to step on Air Canada's plane not even for the next few years. I have a right to say this - service is extremely disappointing, rude air hostesses, zero hospitability, utterly unappetizing food...need I say more?
Tuesday, January 06, 2004 Back to school ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~Happy New Year! I'm back in school again. The new year brings new hope for me but at the same time a lost that has left a really big scar in my heart. I made a mistake in believing too much of other people's words and shut off the one most caring soul that touched my life in many ways. I know now... I can never get that person back... For now, I'm really happy spending time with my family. My holiday at Victoria, Vancouver, B.C was a bliss. Vancouver is such a beautiful city and I'm definitely going there again someday. It's so metropolitan and asian populated that I feel like I'm in another Singapore or KL. I had fun there. We rented a car for convenience. Much was due to the fact that we were tired of walking and the attractions were quite a distance from the hotel that we stayed in. We also went shopping on Boxing Day in Vancouver. It was a real pain trying to get pass the crowd to one shop or one teeny space just to rest and breathe some fresh air. But the sales were really extreme. Everything you want to buy is on sale. I didn't buy anything though. We were just walking around finding our way to the nearest cinema to watch LOTR. Yes, it was worth the money to watch the last of the trilogy. I believe this third movie was the best of it all. I didn't really like the second one. I thought the battle scenes in the third movie were way cooler. And what's with the mountain people that killed all the orcs in just 15 seconds? Whoa. That was a nice ending to the battle at Minas Tirith. Oo... I forgot all about Victoria, Vancouver Island. We were there for three days and practically covered the whole town and the major attractions like BUtchart Gardens and Craigdarroch Castle. The Gardens in winter is not as beautiful as what you will see in summer where the natural flowers bloom to and bring delight to your heart. The garden was brightly and professionally decorated with lights. In a different setting, it was definitely a sight to behold. The Castle was not one of those big castles you see in Ireland or England. It was more of a home to the wealthiest family in Victoria 100 years ago. HOwever, the castle served as a hospital after the family left the place during World WAr 1. Years later it became the University of Victoria for about 20 years. Now the builiding is still under construction to preserve some parts of the castle that are in ruined. It was a beautiful castle. WHen we flew back to Edmonton...the weather was quite bad. The temperature dropped to -18 degrees celcius and my family was not used to it at all. The days got even worse with the temperature dropping ot as low as -31 degrees celcius. But it felt nice to be back in Edmonton too. The thought of coming back to school with an exciting adventure awaiting me. Sad enough, my life is going to be so different without...well...it's over I guess, although I really want to start again...after realizing such a terrible mistake I've made...it not only made me feel happier...but it made me feel worse. So, I brought my family around Edmonton. My dad and I planned where to go and what to do around Edmonton. We covered a lot of places though. The Odyssium (science centre), the provincial museum, West Ed Mall, etc... Sadly, my family is leaving Canada soon...I really missed them so much and don't want them to go back yet. However, that would be silly because I know that can never happen. Oh well. At least i'm going home for the summer. So that's not so bad. Now...I shall weep in silence.
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