Thursday, February 19, 2004

Four days of solid fun!

~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~

It's been such a good weekend of fun. Right after classes on Firday night, I went for dinner with a friend at a pub in university. I got a little drunk that night too ^^ Had two glasses of beer, two hi-balls and a shot of 'sourjack'. My friend had to hold me while we walked to another friend's place. Crazy enough, we stayed at his place till 5 am watching movies haha. We also went down to the community centre to play pool and piano. I slept at 6 am that day...woke up at 2pm after that haha. It didn't cross my mind that it was Valentine's Day too haha.

Hungry for lunch, I went down to the cafeteria only to find it was closed...for the whole of Reading Week. Ouch. Luckily, Victor had some food at his place and we cooked eggs, bacon and sausages to eat. I was totally clueless on how to get my dinner later on. It was 5.30pm by the time I left Victor's room. I was thinking of where to eat and who to eat with...(since it was Valentine's Day, I didn't want to have dinner alone). I cooked up the courage to call a friend if he had plans for dinner that night and somehow I ended up at his friend's place having hotpot for dinner! yum yum ^^ Although it was a good dinner, I wasn't too comfortable with the company...I mean I don't know his friends, and they converse in Cantonese (a language I have yet to master). So, feeling a little out of place, I left early because I know my friend was worried that I might be bored. He talked to me the whole time after dinner but I felt that I shouldn't be there so that he can have time for his other friends. Still, it was a memorable night as I got to spend time with this good looking guy friend of mine ^^ and I received roses too! (well, not from him although technically he was the one who handed it to was his friend who bought roses for all the girls there).

Sunday was an awesome day of fun! We set off at 1.30pm to play PAINTBALL. There were about 20 of us who were eager to experience this fun game (as well as the memorable hurtful shots that we'll receive during the game...ouch!) It was so interesting. We had to wear these dirty, old jumpsuits to protect our clothes from the paint. After that, we were briefed on the rules, safety precautions and how to use the paintball gun. Then, the real war begun! We headed into the battle zone where we were divided into two teams. The battle zone was really cool, with bunkers and old vent shafts for you to hide and kill your opponents. The whole place was covered with sand and it makes it harder for me to run (I actually fell twice on my knee when advancing to the frontline >_< ). The whole time I was playing the role of a sniper and always covering the people in the front. We played about 6 rounds of paintball, with a different type of game after every 2 rounds. I enjoyed it the most but I have to admit it is an expensive game as the ammos cost alot and usually you use up about 100 in one round itself. It was fun but it hurt really bad as well. The bullets (paintballs) have a speed of about 200 cm per second...which is...really fast. Some of my friends got shot at the hand while they were holding up their guns and they were bleeding. Some people got bruised as well on the thigh, knee, arm. However, it gets this bad because of receiving a shot at a close range. It doesn't hurt that much if you get shot from a further distance.

That same night, I went to another friend's place to watch NBA all-star tournament. It was pretty interesting as this all-star tournament is not so tensed up like some of the real NBA competitions where fights and silly arguments arise. After that, we went to the other guy's place to watch the movie "The Core". Pretty interesting movie...but...hehe I fell asleep half way through it as I was too tired to open my eyes and my whole body was aching from paintball...urgh...

Monday morning, my three other guy friends and I went grocery shopping at Superstore. It was pretty tiring but well..hehe i had guys to help me to carry my groceries. I got myself a rice cooker! And other cooking utensils..etc...I cooked my first meal for myself last smelled so good. It just reminds me of the smell back home when mum's cooking! Yum Yum ^^

So, the four days of solid fun is pretty much over...time to study for next week's midterms. I did so badly on my C++ programming course...achieved only a 57% on that midterm paper =( Sigh...sometimes you feel like giving up...but you know you shouldn't because part of it was because you're lazy and didn't put that much effort into it. I feel like I'm losing all my hardwork traits that I used to have last time. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's a different environment here. There's so much to much fun to enjoy...other things to do than to poke my head into the book all day...I'm still hoping we're going karaoke tomorrow night =) That'll be some little extra fun now before school starts again!

about me

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Home: KL, Malaysia
School: U of A

I am someone who frets a lot - I call it a psychological disorder. I am constantly trying to escape my complex mind which, very often, drives me and my close companions to the edge of insanity. Born under the sun star Libra, I am greatly affected by a disease called "indecisiveness". Nicknames were never part of my dictionary until I met some people who decided to name me "turtle". Soon, I was representing a zoo of hamsters, "sotongs", pigs, cats, etc...



  • A broken heart
  • Amelia
  • Pool tournament success! And it's finally over!
  • CNY dinner with MSSA
  • Chinese New Year Eve
  • Just want to be happy
  • [Engineering Week]
  • Back to school
  • Floor Formal 2003
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