Thursday, March 31, 2005 Need feedback on biochemical engineering! I need to decide what technical electives I should take for the next academic year. I have read through the description of courses available as technical electives for chemical engineering and have concluded that biochemical engineering is a must-study. In other words, this course sounds more interesting than fuel cells and fluid-particle systems. But then again, my friends were horrified by my decision to study biochemical engineering - "Are you crazy?? You know how difficult that course is??"If anyone has any feedback on this, please feel free to comment! I would appreciate it very much :) I have yet to register for this particular course. Apparently, it is still not up on the registration list and I am waiting to hear from a professor regarding this matter. Hopefully, I will be able to register for it!
Monday, March 28, 2005 Easter Holidays Our four-day easter holiday is coming to an end. As much as we dread going back to school, the fun that we had on Friday at the waterpark was unforgettable. It was my first time wearing a bikini too! (But you know, it is a bad idea to swim in one).The waterpark is one of the main attractions in West Edmonton Mall, the world's largest mall. I was very excited. I have not been to a big outdoor activity like this ever since I stepped into university. Pathetic, I know, but what can I do with the constant pile of work from school? Anyway, it was not too exciting when I had to use tampons for the first time. It was manageable, but still the process was uncomfortable. I do not want to spill the details. We spent 7 hours at the waterpark by going on the slides, and getting bashed by waves at the wave pool. One of the slides was actually idiotic - the joints actually hurt my back while I was sliding in it. The rest were okay. I must say, almost 90% of the girls there were wearing bikinis. I don't understand. How can you sit on those fast slides with just that skimpy thing on? Hey, the risk of it coming off is big, especially at the wave pool; those waves are strong and one bash is enough to reveal something. I started to picture Sunway Lagoon with bikini girls. I tell you, the guys will be salivating and oggling whole day long. It is a different trend here. I wore a bikini too because I could not find a proper swimsuit. But, I had another halter top over the bikini. Yes, I had lots of fun. Now, I have to start working on my assignments. As usual, they are all due on the same day after the holidays. Sigh. Good things don't last forever. But, living life to the fullest to search for that kind of fun makes every single second count. It will make my day :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Mother nature and snow Snow, snow, snow...That's what it does everytime when the weather takes a sharp turn. It is not pleasant walking to school when heavy fluffs of snow are falling. It is not pleasant to slip and fall on the iced pathway. Then again, my friend was saying Mother Nature has decided to give us another chance to go toboganning. If it works out, that would be great. Pray that the gusts of wind do not spoil our plan. ... It's the near-end of March, for God's sake! STOP SNOWING!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 20, 2005 Wisdom or Desire? Once again, I have the option of staying with a close friend. I am disappointed at my fickle mind, but then again, there is this certain desire deep within me - I yearn for something which I cannot quite describe in a few words.Chances are I will be able to move into one of the bedrooms at her unit sucessfully. After all, if the residence can only provide me with another unit for transfer, I can choose to cancel it and remain in my current room. It is a matter of personal choice now. I do not deny the fact that problems will arise between us if I were to live at her place next year. Some believe that when good friends live under the same roof, more conflicts will surface thus creating tensions in the friendship. However, there are those who look on the positive side and believe that even with these glitches, maturity and respect will wisely clear the black clouds. Most importantly, extra fun times will prevail, and in my case, grocery shopping plus the usual hang-out sessions will be less of an inconvenience for me. I guess the reason I am afraid is because of the previous arguments and major conflicts that occured between us back in high school. But then again, here is where maturity comes into play. We were both young at that time. Also, I do not like how my bedroom door was designed. It opens outwards instead. Technically, it was badly engineered. The design causes inconvenience to both tenants. I have to either close my door all the time, or open it all the time so that the girl next door to me can get out of the room. It sucks! Oh well. I have more to say about this whole issue, but I cannot seem to put these feelings or apprehensions down in words. There's too many whirling around me for now. Even so, I will apply for the transfer next week before it's too late to do anything.
Thursday, March 17, 2005 God must have spent a little less time on me The alarm woke me up at 8 a.m. yesterday, but I was too tired to get out of bed. Slept in for another half and hour or so before realizing that I should not delay time any longer.As I gathered my bag, I kept praying to myself that it won't be bad news. I did a blood test last week, and the doctor said that she would contact me if there is any abnormality from the test results. I did receive a call from the university health centre just two days ago. It came as a shock to me when I heard what the doctor had to say. However, she told me it was only a mild syndromme. Currently, I have to take the medication for 10 days, and see what happens. If nothing happens, I have to go back and see her. If everything goes well, I will be just fine. I left the clinic and headed to the pharmacy to collect my prescription. The bad news did not affect me instantly. It was only when I entered my statistics class that the apprehension came crashing down on me. I was upset. I was worried of the consequences in the near future. Naturally, for now, it might not be a big deal. But I cannot deny the possibility of getting cancer since I have this mild syndromme already. Ahh...we will all die of cancer anyway. Only time will tell when it is due. I was not even paying any attention to what my lecturer was teaching. Maybe it was too boring to even help me take these thoughts away from my mind (statistics is boring). I felt much better in Linguistics class because I realized that I was pre-occupied with copying lots of notes. Then again, I told myself to think positive thoughts and not fret about it 24-7. The more I fret, the situation will become worse. I called home to inform mum and dad about it. Well, mum was not too worried about it. As usual, she said that it was just stress levels hitting again - I should not think so much, drink lots of water, relax, don't stress...bla bla bla... .Still, I was "ordered" to buy some chinese herbs or something of that sort to drink. Good ol' mom, eh? :) I cannot wait to go home. All these work from school can give a traumatic experience to a student. Seriously, for the millionth time - whoever told me university life would be much easier than studying for SPM/A-levels needs a real smack on the head. I should have just gone to arts - just draw, paint, draw, colour... .I can splash all the colours I want, any direction with very little restriction. Ah, the wonder of arts. I don't like Friendster. I think it is a place where my bf is secretly "cheating" on me. End. >_<
Tuesday, March 08, 2005 Gila Sudah I have to say this. Edmonton is a weather-forsaken town...IT IS SUPPOZE TO BE SPRING AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR!!! Look what the sky is doing now. Discarding bits of flurries down to earth, on this piece of land. Now the whole of campus has been snowed upon. I am not looking forward to tomorrow because of two possible reasons:
I hate it when the weather toys around like that. It is so unpredictable here. This morning, it was still fine. When I got off class at 12 p.m., I saw snow outside the building. Heavy, heavy snow pouring down. My 1 o'clock class was cancelled today because of the SU Elections Forum. I think most of the undergraduate's 12 p.m. classes are cancelled due to the fact that the university wants to encourage students to go and listen to the forum held at Myer Horowitz Theater. Well, I decided to attend the forum since I have no classes left for the day. I thought it would be good to hear what these potential executives have to say. It was interesting. The first candidate, Wayne Poon, who was running for President did not start off very well. He was talking too fast and I could not comprehend what his goals or visions were. The second candidate (also running for President) was some Mustafa guy (I forgot his name). He speech was awesome. Very forceful with a good introdution to what is a responsible president. There were quite a few of them running for this post. I think I will vote for Grahm Lettner. He spoke really well, with confidence and a good sense of humour. The last candidate who spoke was a blast! I do not know if it was just a joke, but this girl brought this doll called Spanky, up to the podem to speak. And so Spanky began his 3-minute speech as the girl pushed the mic to him. It was hillarious. We were all laughing till the end of his speech. The front row of the audience threw panties on stage when the crowd gave a huge round of applause. Hahaha! The next few candidates were running for VP External, VP Student Life, VP Operations & Finance and the Rep. Board of Governers. After listening to them, I have a good knowledge of everyone's character. It will be easier to make the votes on the 9th and 10th of March. Great. Now the snow suddenly came to a stop. Gila... I have a math midterm tonight. I guess I am quite ready for it but I feel like I have not done enough exercise. I will start working on it now.
Monday, March 07, 2005 Another One Day As usual, it was busy this week as I pored into books to study for exams. The test I had on Friday was not good. In my opinion, it was a messy and unorganized paper. There were lots of ambiguity and they had to give us an extra 20 minutes to finish the paper. Well, at least, I had a delicious meal at Kelsey's with my friends after the exam.I could not stay up too late on Friday night because I had a math review session the next morning. Nevertheless, YY and I decided to take a nice walk around campus after my review session. Spring is finally here! The snow is melting, but it is causing a mess everywhere (I hate the slush...). First, we went to ETLC (Engineering Teaching & Learning Complex). This is where most of my classes are held. It is a relatively new building and so the lecture halls are big and spacious. ![]() ![]() ![]() Then, we went up to the second floor. ![]() ![]() We proceeded to explore the Chemical Engineering Building. Well, it was more of me showing YY around the engineering faculty. I am very familiar with this part of campus. After all, it is where I go to everyday. There are two new engineering buildings (and I forgot the name of these buildings), but whatever it is...they are very pretty! We could not go inside that new building as it was locked, and so we could only take some pictures from the outside. ![]() ![]() See the equations on the wall? Haha! This is the diffusion concentration equation(I think). And the one above has the "summation of forces equal to zero" equation :P Then, we went to SUB (Student's Union Building) to have lunch. On the way there, we went to the small, enclosed rainforest in GSB (General Services Building). It really felt warm and humid there - felt like I was back in Malaysia already :P ![]() ![]() There's still some snow around, but bits of green and soil can be seen now. I can't wait till the grass and leaves come back to life! On our way back, we saw a house situated behind our residence. We have always wondered what it was each time we walked down that path. Since we had much time to spare, we decided to go in and take a look. To our surprise, it was actually a restored home of Alberta's first premier, Alexander Cameron Rutherford and his family. It is known as the Rutherford House; it is also a teahouse. We paid $3.00 to go in and have a look around the house. The house was old and very British-like. The both of us found the study room (library) very nice and authentic...although it was dark and a little eerie. I found the dinning hall pretty eerie... ![]() It was a nice day out. And our little tour inside this house was interesting too. The house was not fantastic, but it was still nice. I bet most of the students here are unaware of the existence of this provincial historic site. I am glad we went in after much curiosity we both had in the past. Last night, we borrowed video tapes from HCA to watch. Lilo & Stitch was a really nice cartoon and so was Treasure Planet! I really loved Treasure Planet. Really hillarious cartoon. Simple and natural. Well, well... time to get back to studying...I still have one exam to go on Monday. -_-
Thursday, March 03, 2005 Where did all the crap go? Some recent crappy pictures. I miss those crappy nights with these bunch of crappy people. Work is finally kicking in and the stress is increasing exponentially.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Squashed!
Tuesday, March 01, 2005 Go home ... no? It is that time of the year again where I anticipate the arrival of summer. Summer is when I take a trip back home, and stay for about four months before returning to Canada for a new academic year.Looking back, I realized how fast two years have passed by. I came to Canada in 2003 to do Grade 12 OUAC (A-levels). Since then, I have been living by myself - managing my time, school, food and financial issues all by myself. To some extent, I have learnt to live independently. However, sinking in my deep thoughts last night made me conclude that it is something I have yet to be proud of. After all, I am still depending on my parents income for school, food, and other miscellaneous expenditure. Being totally independent is when I use the my own hard-earned money to live. Then again, I have definitely learned how to handle a lot of issues by myself. This is the most valuable education I can get here besides the knowledge gained from school. And just like any other young adult, freedom to me has become a precious commodity. I can stay up till 5 a.m. and sleep-in late for the day without being nagged by the Mother. I can go out and have fun till late night without any curfews. I can get around easily even if I don't have a car to drive. I am free of obligations to stay at home where it is safe and sound, and be a good girl. I do not want to think of home as a jail, but I have to admit that sometimes it gets to that point. The difference between Asian and Caucasian parents is the degree of willingness to let go of their grown-up children. Asian values is said to be more attached to family ties, whereby children must not abandon their parents when they are older. The Caucasian parents are not too concerned about this. After all, good and obedient children do take care of their aged parents as long as you teach them to value their parents' contribution and love. There are pros and cons to both sides. Of course, abandoning your parents who have nurtured you since your birth is a sin in nature. But then again, being selfish and overprotective over your children will only do more harm than good. My perception shows that it will worsen the relationship between the child and the parent. It is worth realizing it because I feel that parents forget that we grown-up children need to venture out on our own now. We are not six-year-olds anymore... The bigger part of me wants to go home for any possible reason (good food, family time, the exciting city, friends...), but there's a small part of me that dreads the idea of being treated like a princess. I need to be home because it is safe. I have that curfew (but I do understand that KL is not a safe place to be after 12 midnight). I cannot move around and go wherever I like myself. My parents are willing to send me where I need to go but then again why the hassle? Yet after all this, it is worth sacrificing some of this freedom to be home. After all, I have been away for such a long time. I miss them, they miss me. I just hope that they will be able to understand my reasons for being a little rebellious. I may have changed in many ways but I still love my family. I still love my home country. I have not forgotten my values. Sometimes, parents forget. And when you remind them about the generation and how things are different in a variety of situations, they get upset because it is like a slap to them (you know...the-talking-back-to-your-parents issue...). Oh well. Home it is.
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