Saturday, April 24, 2004 One more to go! ~Love Mum, Dad and Sis always~The window was shaking violently. I looked outside to find huge gust of winds terrorizing every single thing that stood in its way. Tonight there will be a big storm in the city. Come to think of it, I have not heard the sound of rainstorms ever since I came to this place. No thunder. No lightning. Not even the sound of heavy rain pattering against the window. I miss those sounds. I remember those rainy afternoons back home where I would curl up in bed for a nice afternoon nap. It felt cold yet the air-conditioning was left on the whole time. I would snuggle under the soft quilt and doze off. Those were the days...when I had no trouble in getting a good rest. I don't get ANY of that here. Ever since I came here, I have had trouble sleeping. I hope it is not insomnia. I sleep so late every night that it has become a routine. I would be wasting my time trying to sleep at 1 am. So, I would toss and turn till 5 am without getting sufficient sleep. I am making sure I get a good night's sleep after all my finals are done! One more to go!! I sat for math today. I do not know how to describe the whole two hours of exam. I spent one whole day and the whole of last night stuffing the textbook into my puny brain and the questions were not as I expected them to be. They were straight forward - "apply-formula-find-answer" kind of questions. Sigh. I don't know. I guess I managed it pretty well. Not that I am going to ace this final paper. About five minutes before the end of exam, i was already eager to pack up and leave. Looking around me, I saw some people leaving and a familiar face was smiling so gleefully at me. My friend, Vishi, had a very happy expression. He aced it already... Now, I have the night to squeeze physics! I don't think I will succeed doing so. My heart is somewhere else and hey, how am I suppoze to concentrate on studying when it is the night before your LAST FINAL?? Hah! Mostly everyone on my floor has left. I saw Sara this afternoon on the way to school. It was a sweet moment. She was leaving and we said our goodbyes and shared hugs. Nice gal...I'll miss her. Ooo I just saw a bird got blown away by the wind again. Funny! That's how strong the winds get around here. Enough to lift you up a little as you walk. I heard that there are tornados in the summer. Summer is really a beautiful season, it's warm and sunny, everyone is just out there to soak up in the sun. Well, back to work! Actually, I'm so tired that I just don't feel like doing anything.
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