Tuesday, October 26, 2004 Alone I just realize my cute clock on the page is not working. Where can I find virtual batteries? ^^Just had an English an a Chemistry exam. English was pretty difficult (does anyone ever find grammar easy?). Let us just say, English is hard to comprehend. The weirdest yet the most important lingua franca in the world. Chemistry was fine. In fact, I never felt more satisfied in an examination before. Probably it was due to the fact that I studied for it and I knew how to answer all questions. Unlike math, (I am still sore about the last question that I could not solve), chemistry has the answer right in your face, either you know or you don't. I am lazy to attend my next class. Boring. Okay, the chapter that the lady is teaching now is boring. The course is fine (just too difficult, actually). And, I am hungry. Speaking of that, I went to fulfil my cravings for Japanese food last night. After an afternoon of hexane rings and enantiomers or stereoiomers, I decided to have dinner out at a nearby Japanese restaurant. Well, I had the choice of eating at a friend's place - she and her housemate had lots of leftover rice. But, I just felt like being alone that day. Somehow, I wanted to do things alone yesterday. Just being alone. Some found my little excursion pitiful because I was going all by myself. But I realize, it was not that bad. I was actually feeling more relaxed than usual. I do not have to spend all my time with friends. Also, I get to enjoy my food slowly without worrying when the other person is going to take the next sushi on the plate! Haha. Okay. It is 10.45 am. And it is cold outside. I need to walk to ETLC. Quite a distance. Question for the week: Should I do my math homework? :) -I am realy constrained by exams this week...
Sunday, October 24, 2004 All at once In an hour's time, I will be sitting for Calculus III midterm paper. I am not extremely stressed over it. After all, I have always loved math (calculus) ever since high school. I am not to keen on linear algebra...well some parts of it are okay, I guess.It is rush week for me. Speaking of stress, I have four relatively heavy midterms next week. I am doubtful of my ability to perform well this time, especially in psychology (I have not been attending much of classes :P). At least, today is a Saturday. After math exam, I can relax a little before starting to pore into organic chemistry. Needless to say, I am a pitiful engineering student in this university who has no life at all. Why does everyone have to play with stereotypes? Not that I want them to be non-existant. It is simply impossible to do so. However, even among engineers, we have this so-called "engineerist issue" whereby discrimnation is prevalent. I cannot comprehend some of these people. My friend told me of an account where the mechanical engineers blatantly remarked that they do not talk to chemical engineers. Such losers. To think of it, at the end of the day, mechanical and chemical engineers work hand in hand anywhere in this world. Cocky idiots. After being in the chemical and materials department for two months, I realized our deparment is the most humble and quiet lot. The electrical people, the mechanical people OR engineering physics students (top students with GPA of 3.5 and above) need to fix their superiority complex before I drop a bomb on them one day. I do not see a point in boasting. What do people get out of boasting? Haha. Probably self-satisfaction. Too bad for them. It does not reflect anything good on them as a whole. Yy brought me to her microbiology lab yesterday. I just went in with my lab coat, and pretended to be one of them :P It was an open-lab, outside regular lab hours. My friend was suppoze to analyze the plates of bacteria cultivation. They examined bacteria inhibitation with four kinds of anti-bacteria products on different types of bacteria. Pretty cool! But I could never really stick with biology. Still, I would never deny biology is an interesting area. Unlike some people, boasting about their area being better than physics or engineering or math or whatever. I just hate people who talk like that. I cannot stand it. That is why I ignore them most of the time whenever they talk like that. To me, everything is relative. You cannot compare which is better. We all need each other. Even in engineering, we need art. We need to know business management. We need to know some biology as well. It is just a matter of choice in which a person chooses to major his education on. I just cannot comprehend people like that.
Monday, October 18, 2004 Law and rules We speak of freedom. In almost everything. We want basic human rights because we want justice in everything. We want fair treatment. Yet, we are still governed by law, are we not? There is no absolute freedom that we can achieve. I am not saying law does restrict our freedom. But think about it, too much freedom can also wreak havoc. It does not take an intelligent, educated, outspoken person to realize this. Law serves only one purpose that is to maintain peace and justice among the people. Criminals are punished according to the law. Not many will go against the punishment even if the criminals had a justified reason for commiting crimes.If there would be freedom everywhere, there would not be such things as rules. No restrictions. You are entitled to do whatever you want because you have the freedom. You are entitled to speak anything because of freedom in speech. No limits. No boundaries. Just do it. But is this the world that we live in? I believe not. Question is, will the world improve with absolute freedom, where you can do anything you wish because then nothing is wrong, yet others can also do anything unto you? Or, will the world be in a better place if freedom exists but only to an extent where we are still governed by morality and respect? No one is born perfect. Not even me or you reading this now. Not even your parents or your lover. Not even your pet hamster. Your pet dog. And because we are not born perfect, we need rules to see that we do not harm one another. That is why there is law and freedom working hand in hand for the betterment of humans. After recent pressing issues that happened in my blog, I have come to a state where I can no longer respect people who practise freedom of speech without respect. It is brave of those to break through boundaries that limit their intelligence and allow themselves to pour everything to be heard. Is it because this world is known as the "internet" which knows no boundaries - where you can call people sad fucks or a fucking fat humans, ridicule people with sexually disturbing words and where you can say all the "fuck" you want because it is funny and witty? Yeah, I guess. There are no rules around here. Even for this network. As such, it would mean that there is absolute freedom in writing. I am disappointed. I am disappointed with truth itself. But who never gets hurt by truth? We can go to great lenghts in spreading our voices around this world. We are youths who are intelligent and we have great ambitions. Success is almost at our hands, and we grasp every opportunity quick. Yet, we forget the real world that we are living in. The world bounded by law. The law that teaches us to respect one another with your freedom. Speak if you may! Shout if you wish! Kill if you need to! But do we remember that we are obligated to law for as long as we live? Reality strikes. I am ridiculed for being stupid. I am ridiculed for being fat. I am ridiculed for looking like a faggot. I read it and I found it to be unfair. I am hurt but I am called a sensitive, childish person who cannot take criticism. Unfair to the fat people. Unfair to the suppressed sex. Unfair to see words lashing out at us, victims of freedom of speech, who are again ridiculed when we stand up to fight it. Criticism loves you or me now? Yes, in reality, if you do not step on others, others will step on your first. But again, is this the whole argument? Fifteen and nine and one bad egg - none understood the focus of respect in an area not bounded by rules located in the real world we all exists in. Some choose to ignore, some choose to retaliate. This is freedom as well if you want to talk of the definition of freedom. Oh gosh, freedom is everything! Reality. If we can speak without care, we will be shut right away by those who respect the relationship between law and freedom. If we can speak without care in this network, we will keep shutting each other because no one thinks of respect and thus, we know no respect for others as well. Understood. Lesson learned. Ignore the smart idiots who think they are loved by all. Amuse the proud asses who think that they are the best and people keep coming back to them for more. Kill those who step on you because I am free to step on them as I like. This is freedom? Yes. This is freedom with rules? I do not think so. Criticism with respect loves everyone. Relative? You and me. Let us write.
Sunday, October 17, 2004 Rude Bloggers This was a comment posted by a very rude blogger user:anti_killing: why are you taking this so seriously then? you sound like vince had sex with you, and then dumped you to the pack of rabid dogs that had gathered upon smelling the blood which poured when your hymen was broken. Very funny, anti_killing. I cannot comprehend your stupidity. Yeah, bravo to you! For having such great bravery in commenting this to a girl. This just reflects how rude you are. Disrespectful and shameful. I pity you. In fact, wow ... a harmless, "childish", "dumb", humble girl like me actually drew you to all these. Never knew I was that influential. If you thought you could anger the hell out of me with this, well, you are wrong. Because, you are just some insignificant small fly to me, who has no virtues as a man, even as a person. No matter how intelligent you are, you and vincent are just the disrespectful lot, which I will never waste my precious time on. I think you guys are the ones who are taking it so seriously. Just because I disagreed with vincent, you and him and whoever else had to come and bash me up. I accept the fact that they are people who will disagree with me. But look at you guys - one small disagreement and you guys are so disturbed by it. Childish. And your arguments have not proved very intelligent at all. That is why it is a waste of time for me to keep aruging with you. For God's sake, if you are smart, you should realize my posts are not even related to my anger or my "amusing reactions" towards vincent's disgusting blog. Look at your bloody comment. Look at your childish accusations. You said I am taking it seriously? I think you are stupid enough not to know that this is my domain and this is where you guys started it. It has become my new "toy" to write about. You are mocking me for taking it too seriously when you yourself kept coming back here. Am I not right? Aren't you guys the ones who are taking these more seriously than me? Hahahaha! You guys are really silly. Prove to me, vincent, that your tracker actually showed one big hit from Canada yesterday. Prove it to me. Hell, you boast about people loving your blog and you accuse me, who left your disgusting domain already, of coming back to your domain with the probablity that I love you. Whatever, guys. Believe what you want to see. After all, your childishness just blinded your so-called intelligent mind. So...hillariously...dumb. Well, if you keep commenting this crude comments, I will keep publishing it on the internet. I will not delete it at all. Oh, why should I? After all, it is another form of entertainment for me. If you are making me the helpless dumb victim here by doing all these at my domain, you are just downright stupid. Why? Because you are making yourself the own victim of your words at the expense of trying to show that you are smart (but you are just not, damn it).
Winter is here! Still laying on the bed, I turned to my desk to look at the time. It was 11 a.m.. I told myself I should wake up. I should wake up and start my day early and afresh. I have plenty of work and some grocery shopping at Safeway to do.As I stood up from my bed, I felt that my room was colder than usual. From the corner of my eye, everything outside the window was white. It was snowing!!! Winter is here! It is not a very good thing, though. There will be colder and darker days soon. I walked closer to the window the take a closer look. The place was quiet, tranquil and calm as white snow swirls and falls to the ground. Covering every inch of space even on the tall pine trees, I felt like I was watching another Beauty & the Beast scene before me. But, it is really beautiful. A breath-taking sight. I have always loved the first sight of snow, the first touch of winter. ![]()
Friday, October 15, 2004 The thing about smart people I have learned a very important lesson:Never waste your time on arrogant people who only think of their intelligence and who are not humble. This is my lesson alone. So if you still want to argue with me, I suggest you just leave this page because I am just going to ignore you. I do not care if you want to leave powerful rebuttal messages that can prove to people how smart you are or how stupid I am in writing. That is fine. Go ahead. Just a bloody waste of time talking to people of this kind. Do not forget, this is my domain and I am also entitled to my own writing. You do not like it, just leave. Just like how I did to yours. Yet, the thing about SOME smart people, the are not humble. At least, I know I will just ignore people like that after realizing that they are just rude and do not deserve my respect. If you think my writing does not make sense, go back to your blog, for god's sake. Do not waste your time here, I beg you. You are just making your own life difficult. Not mine because I do not care to what extent you want to mock me. Why? Let me tell you why. It is because I am humble. I accept it. But you? In my opinion, you are not humble at all. You are simply, plain rude. That is that. Nothing more to say. I do not respect rude and arrogant people. It is not wrong to feel that you are on top of the world, you are the good debater, you are the good writer and you make people love you. But let me tell you the difference between respected wise people and the ones who are not. Actually, it is so obvious already. I have met humble people with great minds. And I have met rude and arrogant noses with great minds as well. Needless to say, I do not respect these noses the most. Even a not-so-wise person who is humble and nice is smarter than many arrogant noses. You can write about faggot looking singers. YOu can write about fucking fat ladies. You can write about dumb fucks like me. But nothing is going to change. Too bad, if you think you can change something. You are just being silly too for trying to pour humour into everything that you want to criticize. Ahhh...such a waste of time. And if you were thinking that I was letting my emotions run, think again. If you are so smart, you would have figured that there are other writers who can't think and write as well as you. So you are just wasting your time on me. Hah. Loser. Go ahead. Spill :) I am just retreating back to my own domain, just me, being humble and just writing my own stuff.
Thursday, October 14, 2004 Banned for PEACE! This is not an apology of the comment I made. I read your disclaimer very carefully when I first stumbled upon your blog - hah: **My apologies to anyone that I have offended. Purely unintentional. I have my rights to rant as well. If you do not like it, just leave. Just like I did.**
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 StressssssS Is stress my lifetime enemy or what?It is hitting me again!! I am a little wacky today @.@ I do not feel like studying. Do not feel like doing any homework. I just want to...yeah go to sleep. That is what I need for now, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow morning. I just discovered that my hamster died. Mercilessly. At the hands of a monster (although we do not know who did it). Part of the head was gone. Oh, I feel sick... I was horrified. Seriously. It does not make sense. I even thought my sister was pulling my leg (it better be true, sis - if not, I will send centipedes to your room). Ohhhh....what happened to my poor hamster...justice must prevail! Sis, go do some forensic scientific experiment on the whole thing. I am sure your smart brains can uncover the murder mystery. What the bloody hell am I talking about? People from SEASA called me up to ask me why I want to quit. Well, the president called me first. But then, VP internal social had to do her job too. Therefore, I was being questioned again with much irrelevance. Everything said in the email and to the president was clear (but apparently, the president seemed dazed at my powerful lingual explanation). Maybe, she did not understand what I was saying. It would seem so because she conflicted herself many times when asking me questions. I found it quite hilarious but at the same time I was feeling a little ... well, I guess I am pretty sad and disappointed with this whole event. Things never turn out the way you want them to be. Rather, happy outcomes have always been non-existant. I better go sleep. Or I should read a novel. And fall asleep and daydream about my sweetheart again :P
Monday, October 11, 2004 Goodbye, SEASA The first time I came into this club, I was happy to meet other people from south east asia. I had a fun time last year hanging out with the bunch of crazy people. Well, there were a few people who became such a thorn but naturally, there were no grudges or obligations or tension relationships between us. It was comfortable and everyone just wanted to have some fun. I really miss those times.Now, the fun has vanished. As the months passed by, I began to doubt their sincerity. And most of the seniors, who were very fun and carefree people, graduated and left for home (one of them was my sweetheart, of course :P). But then again, that is not the major issue that I am facing. Friends come and go, and sincerity does help in keeping friendship intact. I just sent out an email to the executive members of the club. I have decided to resign from my post. Yes, as abrupt it may seem, but I have had enough of being in the dark. I am constantly mingling with shadows - shadows that are mysterious, are dangerous, and well, shadows are basically not very nice things. I cannot relate to them anymore. I just feel ... tired. It is tiring being with them. I do not want to force myself to stay on because of the executive post. I do not feel happy anymore. I do not feel comfortable. I hate their meetings. It is either crappy talk or unorganized agendas. It is dirty talk most of the time too. Not that I staunchly disagree with dirty jokes and all but, a meeting is a meeting and if there is nothing important to discuss, do not hold the meeting. Not everyone has all the time in the world to allocate two hours in their academic timetable for an unproductive meeting. I am not, in any way, boasting about my timetable and my workload as an engineering student. In fact, there is nothing to boast about. It is the very truth that we engineers are busy people and we have heavy assignments from every lecture to hand in every week. Not to mention our research work and lab reports too. There is a sterotype going round university about engineers. But, people who mock us are just stupid. I will ask them to spend two weeks in engineering and see if it is what they want. I bet you, they will learn how to keep their bloody mouths shut everytime they feel like mocking engineers. And my, what are friends for if they cannot understand your situation? They keep pushing you around because you cannot make it to three of the meetings already. "Esther, you haven't been attending the meetings," says miss president. Oh yea, that is right. It was clever of them to spot my absence which always came with a relative reason (it is relative to a lie, basically) but they are not that smart to spot the problem. Well, I do not want to turn up for their meetings and events because they are not nice people. Simple as that. I do not turn up because I want to have time for myself after a long week at school. I do not turn up because they expect me to have fun and relaxing time with them after a long week at school but I do not enjoy being with them and thus, I prefer to have time to myself or with other friends. I do not turn up because I am given obligations to revolve my world only around them!! I do not turn up because I am simply disgusted with the whole bunch of executives and their policy that everyone has to come to SEASA!!! The problem with the rest of them is their mentality. You cannot force people into the club if they do not want to come. You cannot simply control other people's time and if one of the members do not feel like turning up, just accept it! Accept the fact that there will be people who choose not to come due to personal issues. Accept the fact that some people do not like what your club is doing. It is a big turn off to members when you question them cynically about not attending any event. It is so rude of you to push or show an unhappy face when people want to leave. Everyone is afraid to hurt anybody. This will lead to the downfall of the association. And it already happened a few times before. I want to keep a distance from these people. I have a feeling my foe named "trouble" will constantly creep up behind me if I continue to stay on. It is pretty disappointing to see myself walk away from a once happy family, but I have no choice. I really have to go. There is too much tension between us. All is done. I will retreat back to my own room, to my own space where I would have little worries - back to a place where friends are less troublesome. :-:-:-:-:-:-:
Thursday, October 07, 2004 Simplicity "Clutter is the disease of American writing" (William Zinsser)I think it is the disease of Canadian writing too. Or, it could just mean engineers like to set questions which do not explain themselves properly. This is not the first encounter with clutter. I would be more willing to accept "clutter" in some classic english text rather than a science course which, in many ways, is suppoze to be the most straight forward subject of all. Science is not like pyschology or philosophy. I think the professors need to attend a seminar on "clearing up clutter." Seriously, I was working on the last question of my midterm paper an hour ago, and I was totally lost while reading the crazy question. It looked simple. But hey, it did not even make sense. These people need more sense in their lives if they have not got one!!! Sigh. It could mean that the professors expect us to know how a furnace is like. And a furnace tube bank. Yeah, it is used to burn stuff or boil water, but hey...how am I suppoze to draw out the flowsheet, if the question does not even explain the steps properly? It is so annoying! @*8#!! Anyway, it is over. The next midterm is on 10 November. Ack. I am immune to examinations. It has become a routine. The next thing I know, another midterm is going to be held on a Saturday. Oh yes, the math department loves to hold their exams on Saturdays. Engineering exams like to pressure students in the night time. Weird. Totally. I have another math class to go but I do not feel like stepping out of my room. I just want to rest, take a nice nap and daydream again. When I wake up, everything will be back to square one. Homework. Lab reports. Stupid english assignments. English essays. ALL AT ONCE. Some people asked me if I will be taking a masters degree. I said no because by the time I am done with fourth year, I can guarantee you that I would HATE studying. Ciao.
Friday, October 01, 2004 T_T I have decided to skip my math lab class today. After all, the quiz will be held next week and my teaching assistant in this lab only recaps whatever that has been taught in lectures. I feel quite tired myself, and I have a midterm later at 6.30pm. Sigh. And this weekend I have to drill myself into the books. Two essays to complete...two essays...one midterm to study for...one organic chemistry lab to prepare...one chemistry quiz...ARGHHHH!! *boink boink boink*It is chilly this morning. The temperature was only 6 degrees celcius but I forgot to take into account the wind chill factor. Before, I could still see the abundant yellow leaves on the towering trees outside my window. But now, all is gone. They have all dropped to the ground, crumpled and pitiful. Winter should be here in a few days' time. It will be nice to see snow again. I love the view from my window. At the far end, I can see the city. At night, it is even more breath-taking. The lights from the city and the tranquility of the suburbs takes over a different look each day as darkness envelops the sky. Currently, the wind is blowing fiercely outside. And I am glad that I am skipping math lab today because I do not have to walk to my class for now :) I just received my birthday card from my sweetheart. I was jumping when Jolene told me I had some mail. Hehehe ^^ It is such a pretty card but I think it was badly handled by the postmen. It is quite bent! But still, I was twinkling with joy when I opened it. I even read it a few times, even though there wasn't much that was written :P This reminded me of three e-cards I received from my family. Dad sent me a box of chocolates where each time I "ate" one colourfully-wrapped chocolate, a sweet remark pops up! I love my dad's words in that card. They were just so inspirational and full of love. Mum sent me one which was very sweet. It was an empty cake that was decorated step by step with the help of a fairy. It was so pretty! My sister gave me a really naughty one. Haha! But I really liked it :P She picked one card from Hallmark featuring ants making a heart together. That was sweet. But her comments were the funniest. She said she chose the ants because I am hardworking like an ant (I think you mean workaholic, eh sis?). She wanted to send me the card featuring a computer exploding at the guy's face because he was working too hard but she had to pay to send it out. Haha! I would really have liked that, sis... >_< Anyway, I should get some rest now. It will be a long day for me. After my midterm (hopefully she does not continue teaching after the one-hour midterm...), I have to finish up my assignment which is due tomorrow. Gosh. This particular course is really tough and demanding. The problem questions are so challenging! No wonder our assignment is worth 20% of the course mark!
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